
About Us

Invoiv is simplifying the business of running a small business.

Simple, professional, affordable quotes and invoices are just the beginning. Track your incoming bills (AP) and see what's due from your customers (AR) to see your total cash flow picture. Then layer in automated quote and invoice follow up, and you can focus on growing your business instead of worrying about money.


Year we were founded.


Monthly invoices created.

8 Days

Average time for your customer to pay your invoice through Invoiv.

10 Hours

Time saved per month, according to our customers.

Our approach

Singular Focus

Make it easy for small business owners to manage quotes, collect on invoices, and get a complete picture on their cash flow.

Our values


We design our tools to be intuitive and easy to use, allowing small businesses to manage their finances with minimal effort.


We help businesses streamline their processes, enabling them to save time and focus on what truly matters.


We believe in clear and honest communication, providing users with straightforward insights into their cash flow and financial status.


We empower small businesses by giving them the tools and knowledge they need to succeed and grow.


We continually innovate to offer cutting-edge solutions that address the evolving needs of small businesses.


Our customers are at the heart of everything we do, and we are dedicated to exceeding their expectations in every interaction.


Bill Cooper

Bill Cooper

Founder, CEO
Bill oversees day to day operations of Invoiv, handling all commercial aspects of the business from sales to customer support.

Alicia Porter

Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer
Alicia leads our customer value proposition refinement, our corporate roadmap, and potential partnerships and acquisitions.

Ready to let Invoiv help you run your business smarter?